Ordered by SURNAMES

Elizabethan Peerage


Norfolk (Howard)


Northampton (Parr) - Winchester (Paulet)


Bath (Bourchier)   Cumberland (Clifford)  Lincoln (Clinton) Essex (Devereux)  
Warwick (Dudley) Leicester (Dudley) Arundel (Fitzalan) Kent (Grey)
Huntington (Hastings)   Pembroke (Herbert) Nottingham (Howard) Rutland (Manners)
Westmoreland (Neville)  Northumberland (Percy)   Sussex (Radcliffe) Bedford (Russell)
Hertford (Seymour) Worcester (Somerset)   Derby (Stanley)   Lennox (Stuart)
Shrewsbury (Talbot) Oxford (De Vere)   Southampton (Wriothesley)


Montague (Browne) - Hereford (Devereux) - Bindon (Howard)



Berkeley of Berkeley Willoughby of Eresby (Bertie)   Mountjoy (Blount) Cobham (Brooke)  
Chandos of Sudeley (Brydges)   Borough of Gainsborough Carey of Hundson Cecil of Burghley 
Compton Conyers of Hornby   Cromwell of Oakham Cheney of Toddington
Gillesland and Greystoke (Dacre)   Darcy of Aston Darcy of Chiche Eure of Witton
Dacre of the South (Fiennes)   Grey of Wilton Hastings of Loughborough  Berners (Knyvett)
Lumley (Lumley)   Mordaunt of Turvey Abergavenny (Neville)   Latimer (Neville)
Mounteagle (Stanley) Norreys of Rycote North of Kirtling Ogle
Oughtred Morley (Parker) Paget of Beaudasert Rich of Leez
Buckhurst (Sackville) Sandys of the Vine Scrope of Bolton Sheffield of Butterwick 
Stafford St. John of Bletsoe Stourton of Stourton Sutton of Dudley  
Audley of Heleigh (Touchet)   Vaux of Harrowden Vavasour of Hazelwood  De La Warr (West)  
Wentworth of Nettlested Wharton of Wharton Hall Willoughby of Parham Willoughby of Broke
Windsor of Bradenham Zouche of Harringworth

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Old Titles and some Irish Peerage

See Page 3:


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