Born: ABT 1150, Shelton, Norfolk, England
Father: John SHELTON
Mother: ¿?Married: Beatrice ?
2. Peter SHELTON
Born: ABT 1175, Shelton, Norfolk, England
Died: 1244 / 1257Father: Nicholas SHELTON
Mother: Beatrice ?Married: ¿Catherine ELLEIGH?
2. Nicholas SHELTON
3. Robert SHELTON
Born: ABT 1195, Shelton, Norfolk, England
Died: 1271Notes: possibly the Henry Shelton whose lands were confiscated by the King in 1222 because he had not joined the Welsh army.
Father: Ralph SHELTON
Mother: ¿Catherine ELLEIGH?Married: ¿?
2. John SHELTON of Stradbrooke
3. Nicholas SHELTON (b. ABT 1212 - d. 1257)
5. Peter SHELTON
Notes: Listed by the Visitation of Norfolk as a son of Henry de Shelton and shows him with one son, John, though his wife’s name was not shown. The Harleian MSS of the Knights of Edward I have perhaps this John listed as Sir John Shelton serving for Robert de Shelton on 6 Jul 1277. As the son of Robert de Shelton was either not yet born or an infant in 1277, it was likely this John who is referenced. If so, then he was likely the John de Shelton summoned from Norfolk and Suffolk to serve against the Scots 24 Jun 1301. May also be the John de Shelton pardoned 10 Nov 1303 for the death of a man in consideration for his service in Scotland (the letter patent issued from Dumferline on that date reads “Pardon in consideration of service in Scotland to John de Shelton for the death of Roger le Yongebonde of Shelton”). The Visitation indicates that he died in 1306.
Father: Henry SHELTON
Mother: ¿?Married: ¿?
1. John SHELTON (Sir)
Died: BEF 1304
Notes: Blomefield does not definitively place her as a daughter of Henry.
Father: Henry SHELTON
Mother: ¿?Married: Robert BROME
2. Robert BROME
Died: 23 Sep 1305 / 25 Aug 1306
Notes: in the service of the King 6 Jul 1277 and 18 Jul 1277 received a writ of special protection to go to Wales in the King’s service. On 3 Aug 1295, Robert de Shelton and Robert de Ufford were ordered to attend in person the keeping of the seacoast near Dunwich with horses and arms against foreign enemies should they come.
Father: Henry SHELTON
Mother: ¿?Married: Isabel ? (b. ABT 1250, Burnt Illegh, Suffolk, England) 1268, Cumberland, England
2. Thomas SHELTONBorn: ABT 1292
Father: Robert SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Isabel ?Married: Nicholas De CASTELLO of Raveningham (son of Walter De Castello and Sara Roscelyne)
Notes: listed as 2nd son in his father’s IPM in 1306. Blomefield says that this Thomas and his brother Henry presented to the church in Scole. Possibly the Thomas De Shelton for whom a writ was issued 20 Jul 1322 from York to go on the King’s service in Scotland with Thomas of Brotherton, Earl Marshal and Earl of Norfolk. Another writ was issued 26 Mar 1324 to him for protection to go beyond the seas with Edmund, Earl of Kent.
Father: Robert SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Isabel ?Born: ABT 1285
Notes: listed as 3rd son in his father’s IPM in 1306. With his brother Thomas, presented to the church in Scole.
Father: Robert SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Isabel ?Born: ABT 1287
Notes: Mentioned in his father’ s IPM. He is likely the Robert De Shelton that Blomefield says in 1316 held fees in Mundham and Bedingham.
Father: Robert SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Isabel ?Born: 1280, Skelton Castle, Skelton, Cumberland, England
Died: ABT 1333Notes: 13th Lord of Shelton was Knighted of Shire of Cumberland. Kathryn M Brown, p 16, says he suceeded his cousin, Richard, to the Shelton estates. He was also known as John de Schelton. He lived in Skelton Castle, Cumberland; and was a Knight of the Shire of Cumberland. Kathryn M Brown, p 13, gives quite a bit of data on Sir John and lists his two wives as Maud and Hawys, daughter of Prince of Powys of Wales.
By 12 Nov 1306, he had done homage for his inheritance and the escheator beyong Trent was ordered to deliver his lands to him. In 1302, John was found to have a quarter fee in Shelton, held of the Earl Marshall as well as land in Heverlond. He was summoned to the Great Council in Westminster 9 May 1324. John De Shelton married Margaret (also called Maud). Some sources says that she was the daughter of Robert De Brus, E. Carrick, and Margaret De Galloway, w. of William De Carlyle. The marriage seems to have been very unhappy. He was dead by 1333, for 27 Jan 1333 a writ was issued from York ordering John De Blomvill, escheator in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk etc., to take into the King’s hands, the lands late of John De Shelton, tenant-in-chief. In another writ from Cowick the following 15 Mar, the escheator was ordered to ensure that any dower assigned to Margaret, widow of John De Shelton was removed from her hands, as the King had learned that she had long withdrawn from her husband to be with her paramour and since she was never reconciled with him, should have no dower. Copinger says that she eventually remarried to Thomas Kenyng.
is also an Edmund Shelton in this time frame who possibly is part of this
family. A writ of protection was
issued to Edmund De Shelton 28 Mar 1324 for going with the King’s brother
Edmund, Earl of Kent beyond the seas. 30 Apr 1327 a writ issued from Nottingham
Father: Robert SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Isabel ?Married: Margaret ? ABT 1301, Shelton, Norfolk, England
Children:4. Edmund SHELTON (Sir)
Born: ABT 1305
Notes: He is not mentioned by Blomefield, but the Visitation of Norfolk has him as second son and says that he was warden of the forest of Pickering in 1334.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Margaret ?Born: ABT 1307
Notes: In 1316 Robert and his brother John sold their share in the manor of Heverland to another brother Nicholas. In 1325 he and William Tastard were guardians of John De Lowdham as noted in church records in Frense. In 1333, Robert Shelton, clerk, had land in Shelton.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Margaret ?Notes: In 1316 he and his wife Alice purchased shares of the manor of Heverland from his brothers John and Robert. Blomefield says that he and his wife Alice had a son Thomas. Possibly the Nicholas De Shelton who along with Sir John Moritz was nominated by Maud, late wife of Eustace Powers as her attorneys in Ireland 4 Apr 1346.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Margaret ?Married: Alice ?
Children:1. Thomas SHELTON
Notes: In 1308, his father settled the manor of Hardwick on John and his wife
Agatha, probably a daughter of Sir John
Gedding of Lincolnshire. The arms of
Gedding were found by Blomefield to impale those of Shelton in several armorial
windows and manuscripts. She
appears to have died before 1313, for in that year John Shelton settled the same
manor on himself, his wife Joan and their heirs. The Visitation has her as the second wife and has no children assigned to
her. Blomefield has a third wife
for John Shelton, Alice daughter of Sir Robert de Burgullion,
though the Visitation does not. Sir
John Shelton sold lands near the Church of St Helen near Mundham to Walter
Filby and Sir Thomas Preston. He apparently did not survive his father for long since
Apr 1333,
William, Bishop of Norwich was given custody of the lands of Ralph Shelton son
of John Shelton during his minority.
Alice Shelton died before 1334, her IPM being 26 Aug 1335
where in Shelton she held a messuage, lands and rents held for her life of the
inheritance of Ralph De Shelton etc. A writ issued 1 May 1334 with an order
Father: John SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Margaret ?Married 1: Agatha GEDDING (dau. of Sir John Gedding)
Children:Married 2: Joan ?
Married 3: Alice De BURGULLION (dau. of Sir Robert De Burgullion)
5. William SHELTON
(Sir Knight)
Died: 1397
Buried: North Walsham
Father: John SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Agatha GEDDING
Married: Thomas HETHERSET (Sir) (son of Sir John Hetherset)
Notes: her husband was buried in Woodbridge Priory. He was succeeded by his younger brother Robert who was then underage.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Agatha GEDDING
Married: Richard BREWSE (Sir) (d. 1323) (son of Sir Giles Brewse)
1. Dau. BREWSE
2. Dau. BREWSE
Father: John SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Agatha GEDDING
Married: John JERNINGHAM (Sir)
Notes: knighted in 1375. Apparently died in 1389 when his IPM was recorded.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Alice De BURGULLIONDied: 17 Nov 1378, Shelton, Norfolk, England
Buried: Nov 1378, St. Marys, Shelton, Norfolk, EnglandNotes: William, Bishop of Norwich was given custody of his estates in 1333 until such time as Ralph attained majority. At his mother's death in 1334, he was made Lord of the Manor. Though because the honor of knighthood was so expensive, he put off that title as long as possible. In 1346, King Edward III granted his letters of patent showing that he was in the King's own company at Crecy ( a great English victory in the Hundred Years' War 1337-1453, a succession of wars between England and France. It was one of the first battles in which the English soldiers used gunpowder) and was knighted for his part in saving the life of the Black Prince. He built the Old Shelton Hall which was destroyed by fire in 1600. He married twice, first to his cousin, Anne, the daughter of Sir Ralph Burgullion; second to Joan De Plays. According to both Blomefield and the Visitation, on his marriage to Joan de Plays in 1346, Ralph settled Shelton and Bedingham manors on himself, his wife and their issue. Kathryn M Brown, p 18, adds additional information and shows four children: Sir Ralph, John, William, and Robert. Through his first marriage, Sir Ralph became heir to the great estates of Sir Ralph Burgullion of Great Snoring, Suffolk, England, and of Rediston. He was also Lord of the Manor of BrentElleigh in Suffolk. In Aug 1362, he and Sir Oliver De Calthorpe witnessed a quit claim between Ralph De Hemenhale and Creeke Abbey. In a writ issued from Westminster 10 Nov 1364, William De Elmham, who was going beyond the seas, had letters nominating Sir Ralph Shelton and Geoffrey Dersham as his attorneys. 12 May 1367 the King appointed Ralph, Sir William De Hoo and Sir Edmund Thorp to make inquisitions into the King’s business in Norfolk and Suffolk to ensure that the King was receiving all the revenue to which he was entitled. 6 Oct 1368, he attended the wedding of the same Sir Edmund Thorp to Margaret daughter of Richard De La Rivere. 28 Mar 1371, Ralph, Robert Le Mortimer, Roger Geneye, William Clere, William De Norton and John De Cressingham were ordered by the King to collect a parish subsidy in Norfolk to safeguard the defense of England and further the war in France. The following 8 Jun the same men were given a mandate to collect in Norfolk without delay, a subsidy of 116 shillings from each parish amounting to 4674 pounds. 1 Feb 1376, Ralph was ordered to take into the King’s hands the lands in the county of Suffolk of Roger Le Walsh, deceased and to make inquiries touching his lands and as to his heir. He died soon after and in his will, Sir Ralph Shelton ordered his body to be buried in the chancel of St Mary’s church at Shelton. Copinger says he died 17 Nov 1373, Blomefield gives 1375 and the Visitation says his will was made 6 Oct 1378 and proved 30 Nov 1380 (though they do not have the text of his will). The Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem, writ issued 30 Mar 1376 says he died 16 Oct last (1375) and left with his wife Joan, daughters Joan aged 12, Margaret aged 5 and Isabel, half a year.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Alice De BURGULLIONMarried 1: Anne De BURGULLION (dau. of Sir Ralph De Bourgillion) ABT 1339, Norwich, Norfolk, England
Married 2: Joan De PLAYS (b. ABT 1326 - d. 4 Jan 1405) (dau. of Sir Richard de Plais of Wetyng) 1355, Sudbury, Suffolk, England
6. John SHELTON (b. ABT 1359)
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Joan De PLAYS
Married: William BACON ABT 1398, Hessett, Suffolk, EnglandChildren:
1. Stephen BACONBorn: ABT 1350
Died: 1436
Notes: parson of Tuddenham in 1419, rector of Carleton Rode 1425-1436, and Treasurer of Chicester Cathedral. Will dated 12 Oct 1436 and proven 31 Jan 1436/7. In 1425, Peter Shelton was mentioned as having incurred some expenses in the accounts of Master John Marsh. In 1435, he presented to the church at Billingford.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Anne De BURGULLIONBorn: ABT 1352
Died: BEF 19 Nov 1445
Notes: will dated 19 Feb 1444 and proved 19 Nov 1445.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Anne De BURGULLIONMarried: John ALDERFORD of Norwich (d. 1431)
Born: ABT 1357
Died: 1423
Notes: will dated 14 Jun 1415 and proved 30 Sep 1423. He had no children and his only heir was his brother William. Robert was buried in the church of Snoryng Magna and in his will, he directed that his brother William should have any of his personal belongings at a fair price. Ultimately William died before this will was probated.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Anne De BURGULLIONDied: 25 Apr 1424
Buried: Great Snoring church, Suffolk, EnglandNotes: When he was 2 years old, he inherited Great Snoring and Thirsford co Norfolk from his kinsman Hugh De Burgullion. The NRS Vol 19 pt 2 in the biographical notes of the Archdeaconry of Norfolk donors, notes Hugh De Burgullion son of Sir Robert Burgullion, the younger (this Sir Robert being a brother of Alice De Burgullion wife of Sir John Shelton), who died childless around 1349. The NRS goes on to say that it seems that Anne Burgullion who married Sir Ralph Shelton, senior, was his sister for at his death the Burgullion estates passed to the Sheltons. In 1376, Ralph inherited his father’s lands and estate on his death and at this time he was married to Alice Uvedale. 21 Dec 1382, he with other prominent men of Norfolk received a directive from the King to investigate treasonable insurrection in the county and another writ in the same time frame was issued for Ralph and John, Duke of Lancaster; John De Clifton; Robert De Howard and Oliver De Calthorpe to be made commissioners of the peace and oyer and terminer for the county of Norfolk. He was asked to perform the same function with John, Duke of Norfolk 25 Apr 1386, 12 Jul 1388, 15 Jul 1389 (along with Simon Barrett this time), on 28 Jun 1390, 5 Mar 1397, 22 Jul 1397 (with John, Duke of Lancaster), 12 Nov 1397 (with John, Duke of Lancaster; Edmund, Duke of York; John, Duke of Exeter; Thomas, Duke of Norfolk and Simon Barrett). 1 Mar 1384, Sir Ralph Shelton and others were directed to enquire about the trespass and other offences in the prior of St Mary’s, Walshingham co Norfolk, where quarrels had arisen between the prior and convent. Was on the voyage of St. Malbes de L'Isle and into Scotland with Richard II and then into Spain, where Sir Hugh Hastings died. In 1385, Ralph attended John of Gaunt on his great expedition in Spain and was at the famous battle of Nazarett. In 1397 a grand breakfast was provided at Norwich for Sir Ralph Shelton, Sir Edmund Thorp and many others of the nobility and gentry of Norfolk. 20 Jun 1398 he and Sir Miles Stapleton and others were commissioned to redress offences and execute statues in Norfolk. 14 Jul 1402, the King directed Sir Ralph along with Sir Thomas Bardolf, Sir Thomas Morley and Sir John Heveningham to array men at arms to defend the sea coast against an invasion of the King’s enemies and 2 Jul 1405 he was again ordered to assembly men at arms to resist the King’s enemies from France and Picardy and then to go to Wales to strengthen troops there. When his step-mother Joan Shelton died in 1405/6, Ralph was 58 years old and inherited the remainder of her estate as she left no heirs of her own. 14 Jul 1406 he was again commissioned to go to Wales to strengthen the King’s forces there. King Henry IV was like most medieval kings in monetary straits from constant warfare, and 4 Sep 1405 he ordered Sir Ralph Shelton, Edmund Oldhall, Nicholas Wichingham and the Sheriff of Norfolk to collect money from the Norfolk parishes for a loan to King Henry IV to defend against the King’s enemies in Wales and enemies in France who have landed in Wales. 5 Nov 1406, he was directed by the King to determine the worth of the Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex estates of the late Sir Robert De Hemenhale and to determine who Sir Robert’s next heir would be. In 1409, Ralph presented Henry Turnour as pastor at Hardwick church. 1 Dec 1411, he was directed to mediate a dispute between Sir Thomas Morley and Sir Thomas Hemgrave. In 1424, not long before his death, Ralph along with John, Duke of Norfolk; Walter, Bishop of Norwich and John Heydon purchased Neville’s manor in Hethill co Norfolk.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Anne De BURGULLIONMarried: Alice UVEDALE (b. 1351) (dau. of Sir Thomas de Uvedale of Tacolneston)
2. Ralph SHELTON (b. 1371 - d. 25 Oct 1414)3.
Notes: released the manor of Gedney in Lincolnshire (part of
the Burgullion inheritance of his father) to the Abbot of Ramsey. He apparently died before his father and with no heirs.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Alice UVEDALE
Died: ABT 1478
Notes: Apparently the only daughter of Sir Ralph Shelton and Alice Uvedale, at least to survive childhood. Both Blomefield and the Visitation note that she was the first wife of Sir Edmund Bedingfield with whom she had only one daughter, Margaret. Sir Edmund married as his second wife Margaret, daughter of Sir John Scott of Scots Hall co Kent. He was made a Knight Banneret 9 Jun 1487 and his will was dated 12 Oct 1496 and proven 28 Jan 1496/7.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir) / Ralph SHELTON (Esq.)
Married: Edmund BEDINGFIELD of Oxborough (Sir) (b. ABT 1452 - d. 15 Oct 1496) (son of Thomas Bedingfield and Anne Waldegrave) (m.2 Margaret Scott) ABT 1475
1. Margaret BEDINGFIELD (b. ABT 1476 - d. 24 Mar 1504) (m. Sir Edward Jerningham)
Died: 20 Jul 1421, Shelton, Depwade, Norfolk, England
Buried: Shelton chancel, Church in Snoring MagnaNotes: probably second
surviving son. William
married Catherine Barrett, daughter and heir of Simon Barrett co Norfolk and through her he held the manor of Barrett’s in Hardwick.
2 Dec 1404, he received a pardon from the King for not appearing in
court to answer Walter De Watham concerning a debt of 20 marks. 8 Feb 1415
William received another pardon, this time from King
Henry V, for not appearing before justices of the bench of Henry IV to answer
Robert Blake of London on a debt of 40 shillings. He died 20 Jul 1421 and his IPM was held 9 Oct 1421.
The Visitation of Norfolk says that he was executor of his brother Sir
Ralph Shelton, but as William died in 1421 and Sir Ralph in 1424,
William could
not have been his brother’s surviving executor. For the same reason, he could not have survived as executor of his
brother Robert who died in 1423. William
must have married late in life and to a much younger woman, as he was quite old
at his death (assuming he was born between 1348 and 1358) but his son and heir
John was only 17 at his father’s death. Catherine survived for many years and from 1426-1452 “Katherine, Lady
of Shelton, relic of William Shelton”, presented 9 different rectors to the
church at Hardwick. In 1426 she held fees in Shelton
and 1432 presented to the church at Thirsford as a patron. Catherine died 3
Aug 1456 and was buried beside William in Great
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Anne De BURGULLION
Married: Catherine BARRET (b. ABT 1385 - d. 3 Aug 1456) (dau. of Simon Baret of Hardwick and Hecham) ABT 1400, Hardivoc, Norfolk, EnglandChildren:
1. John SHELTON3. William SHELTON (b. 1410)
4. Simon SHELTON (b. 1415)
Born: 1408
Died: 1484
Buried: Grey Friars Church, Norwich, England
Notes: possibly the Thomas Shelton who presented to Ringstead Parva in 1474. Cecily’s will was dated 3 May and proven 26 Jul 1484 and she was buried near her husband as she requested in her will. She left bequests to the church of St Gregory, the cathedral of Norwich, the church at Aylsham, the church at Heynforth and for masses to be celebrated for her. She mentions no children and no other family so this couple may have left no offspring.
Father: William SHELTON
Mother: Catherine BARRET
Married: Cecily ?
Born: ABT 1375 / 7 Jul 1403, Shelton, Norfolk, England
Christened: 7 Jul 1406, Hecham
Died: 23 Apr 1431
Notes: Not much is known about John. He became lord of the manor at Shelton, Norfolk, after the death of his father. Some sources says that he was succeeded by his brother, William, who apparently had no sons, and was succeeded by his nephew, Ralph. But others, and according to the dates I agree with them, says that John was William son. 27 Feb 1422 the King commissioned Edmund Wynter and Richard Elleswyk to the keeping of all lands late of William Shelton, Esq tenant-in-chief by knight’s service, during the minority of John, his son and heir, with the marriage of the latter also given to their custody. He had livery of his lands in 1427. In 1428, he held fees in Osmundeston, Bedingham, and Kerdeston. He died a young man on the Monday before the Feast of St George the Martyr, 23 Apr 1431, seized of the manors of Brent Illegh co Suffolk, Shelton Netherhall, Snoring, Thetford and Hindringham, IPM dated 9 May 1431. 1 Apr 1431, the escheator for Norfolk was directed to take into the King’s hands the lands late of John Shelton, Esq in Norfolk and Suffolk. After her husband’s death Margaret Bures or Brewys held the manor of Brent Illegh for life. 20 Jul 1432, she was given license from the King for 1 mark paid in the hanaper to demise 1/3 of the manors of Great Snoring and Shelton co Norfolk. 10 Jul 1432 she received the King’s permission to marry to whom ever she wished “of the King’s allegiance”. Margaret remarried to Robert Allington, son of William Allington and Joan de Burgh and died in 1479.
Father: William SHELTON
Mother: Catherine BARRET
Married: Margaret BREWES (b. 1412 - d. 1479) (dau. of Robert De Brewes and Ela Stapleton)
Born: 1430
Died: 16 Jul 1497, Shelton, Norfolk, England
Notes: See his Biography.
Father: John SHELTON
Mother: Margaret BREWES
Married 1: Joan ? (d. 1471)
1. Margaret SHELTON
Married 2: Margaret CLERE (dau. of Robert Clere and Elizabeth Uvedale)
Died: 1523
Notes: The Visitation lists Elizabeth Shelton, daughter by
Ralph’s first
wife Joan as the one mentioned by
Walter Lehart, Bishop of Norwich and the wife of
Richard Fitz-Lewes and other Elizabeth as daughter by second wife Margaret,
with no information on birth, death or marriage. |
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Margaret CLERE
Married: Richard FITZLEWIS of Degenham (Sir) (w. of Alice Harleston - w.2 of Maud ? - m.4 Joan Hornby)
Born: ABT 1467, Shelton, Norfolk, England
Buried: 6 Oct 1546, Heveningham, Suffolk, England
Notes: received a legacy from her grandmother Elizabeth Clere in 1492.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Margaret CLERE
Married: John HEVENINGHAM (Sir) (d. 5 Aug 1536) (son of Thomas Heveningham, Esq., and Anne Yarde)
1. Anthony HEVENINGHAM of Ketteringham (Sir Knight) (b. 1507 - d. 22 Nov 1557) (m.1 Catherine Calthorpe - m.2 Mary Shelton)
6. Eleanor HEVENINGHAM (m. Sir Richard Colville)
Notes: Third son, a clerk who was Master of Metingham College and still living in 1538 when he was mentioned in the will of his brother Ralph Shelton of Brome. Copinger says that Mettingham Castle was converted to a college and the arms of Richard Shelton, one of the last master of the college with several matches of his family ornament the walls of the Keep which was the residence of the master. In 1492, he was named in the will of his maternal grandmother Elizabeth Clere. Richard held the manor of Peter’s Hall in Bunwell. 27 Nov 1505, King Henry VII issued a writ from Westminster issuing a pardon to Sir John Tate, John Shelton, Richard Shelton and 300 others of all offenses in regulating trade. He was probably the Richard Shelton who presented the rector at the church at Redenhall in 1518. Blomefield noted that Richard had such skill in water works that in 1528, his advice was used in cutting Yarmouth Haven.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Margaret CLERE
Buried: 25 Oct 1538, Brome, Wiltshire, England
Notes: second son, mentioned in his father’s will in 1497.
30 Sep 1483 he presented to the church in Scole - apparently before he was knighted
(Blomefield v1 p133-135).
Bedingfield's Pedigree lists this Ralph as Sir Ralph Shelton whose daughter
Alice married Sir Edmund Bedingfield.
His will was dated 21 Oct 1538 and proved 18 Jun 1539 and he asked to be buried
in the church at Brome before the image of St George at the south end of the
high altar, left bequests to a number of Norfolk churches, bequests toward the
marriages of his daughter Dorothy Shelton and his wife’s daughter Margaret
Jenny. He left the majority of his estate to his wife Mary and son Ralph
and named his wife and his brother Richard to be his executors. Ralph
was buried in the church at Brome as he had requested. Mary’s will was
dated 26 Aug 1540 and proved 12 Feb 1542 where she asked to be buried in the
church of St Michael in Brome and left bequests to her daughter Dorothy
Shelton, daughter Margaret Jenny, son Edward Jenny and name
her son Ralph Shelton and John Goss as her executors. She was
buried at Brome 3 Sep 1540 and her IPM held 25 Apr 1541.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Margaret CLERE
Married: Mary BROME 1507
¿1. Alice SHELTON?
6. Richard SHELTON
Notes: Named in the will of her father in 1539 and her mother in 1540.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Esq.)
Married: Francis SHARDELOWE 16 Jun 1545, St Peter’s Mancroft, Norwich
Died: 31 Oct 1592
Notes: mentioned in his father’s will in 1538 and was executor of his mother’s will in 1542. Blomefield says that his will is dated in 1592 His will was dated 31 Oct 1592 and proved 25 Nov 1592 in Norwich where he is listed as Ralph Shelton, Brome, Esq (NRS). In it he mentions his wife Cecily, daughter Thomazine Uvedale, daughter Grace Thurton, daughter Mary Cooke and grandchild Cecily Shelton. John Thurton, his son-in-law was named his executor. Cecily’s will was dated 10 Apr 1610 and proven 29 Mar 1612. She asked to be buried in church in Brome and left legacies to the poor of Brome as well as her son John Pickerell, Anne Pickerell her daughter-in-law (this Anne was a daughter of Christopher Layer who was the widow of Edward Shelton, son of Ralph Shelton and Prudence Calthorpe before marrying Pickerell), daughter Mary Cooke, wife of William Cooke, god-daughter Cecily Shelton (daughter of Edward Shelton and Anne Layer), to her Cooke grandchildren, Blennerhasset grandchildren, her sister Elizabeth Mickelfield and others, naming her son John Pickerell as her executor.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Esq.)
Married 1: Prudence CALTHORPE
Children:1. Richard SHELTON (chr. 2 Nov 1545)
5. Richard SHELTON (chr. 7 Mar 1555)
Married 2: Cecily STEWART (dau. of Augustine Steward, Alderman of Norwich, and Elizabeth Rede) (m.2 John Pickerell of Cringleford)
Children:8. Ralph SHELTON (chr. 14 Sep 1567 - bur. 25 Oct 1573)
Christened: 1 Jan 1568/9, Brome, Wiltshire, England
Notes: Mary and her sister Grace were granted administration of the estate of their unmarried sister Frances Shelton in 1593. Mary was left legacies by her mother in her will in 1610.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Esq.)
Mother: Cecily STEWART
Married: William COOKE of Lynstead (son and heir of Nicholas Cooke and Lettice Lee) 5 Oct 1592
Christened: 12 Apr 1557, Brome, Wiltshire, England
Died: 3 Apr 1588
Buried: St. Martin at Palace, Norwich, Norfolk, England
Notes: burial record says he
was the servant of Mr Hassett. At
the site of his tomb, on a brass plate in the nave having the arms of Shelton:
“Here resteth in Hope of the general Resurrection, the Body of John
Shelton, the second sonne of Ralph
Shelton of Brome in Norfolk, Esquier, who left the mortal life the 3rd of
Apr. Ao 1588 and in the 33rd year of his Age. For faithful Friendship to his
Friend; for meekness to the Meane; For modesty among the Rest; renowned he may
remayne; his life he led in Godliness; devoyde of every Blame; And in his last
Extremitie has Died declared the same ".
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Esq.)
Mother: Prudence CALTHORPE
Born: ABT 1548
Died: 8 Mar 1617
Buried: Ixworth Thorpe, Suffolk, England
Notes: Her baptism is not found at Brome, but she appears to have been the eldest daughter. Thomasine is mentioned in the will of her brother Edward in 1589. Mentioned in the will of Cecily Pickerell as her daughter Thomazine Uvedale. Buried with her husband.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Esq.)
Mother: Prudence CALTHORPE
Married 1: Thomas UVEDALE
2: Charles CROFT of Ixworth Thorpe (Esq.) (d. 11
Feb 1616) (son and heir
of Thomas Crofts of Bardwell and Margaret Coppledike) 5 Jun 1599
Christened: 2 Aug 1554, Brome, Wiltshire, England
Died: 12 Dec 1606
Notes: named in the will of her father in 1592 and her husband was named as his executor. 3 Sep 1589, Grace and her sister Mary were granted administration of the effects of their deceased sister Frances.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Esq.)
Mother: Prudence CALTHORPE
Married: John THURTON of Brome 29 Apr 1582 Brome, Wiltshire, England
1. Maud THURSTON (b. 17 Nov 1584 - bur. 27 Mar
1624) (m. Christoper Calthorpe of Blakeney, Esq.)
Christened: BEF 18 Oct 1562, Brome, Wiltshire, England
Notes: baptized at Brome less than a week before the burial of her mother. She was buried at Ditchingham 8 May 1589, with administration of her effects given 3 Sep 1589 to her sisters Grace and Mary.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Esq.)
Mother: Prudence CALTHORPE
Born: ABT 1560, Brome, Wiltshire, England
Buried: 11 Apr 1589, St John’s Maddermarket, Norwich, Norfolk, EnglandNotes: 10 Mar 1570
he witnessed a deed between his father Ralph and Robert Bedingfield and
Edward Everard. He married Anne, niece of Cecily 2nd
wife of Ralph Shelton. Edward suffered an untimely death and his will was dated 8
Apr 1589 and
proven 5 Jun 1589. He was buried
11 Apr 1589 as "Edwardus
Shelton, generosus, obiit ac sepultus in Ecclesia nostra". His will has the appearance of being hastily made and he mentions his
wife Anne, his daughter Cecily and his sisters Thomasine, Grace,
Frances and Mary. His father Ralph Shelton and
father-in-law Christopher Layer served as executors along with his wife. She married secondly 29
Dec 1591 to John Pickerell who died 6 Apr
1627 at the age of 75. Anne died 21
April 1628 at the age of 61.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Esq.)
Mother: Prudence CALTHORPE
Married: Anne LAYER ( third dau. of Christopher Layer of Booton and Norwich, Esq., and Barbara Steward) 29 Jul 1588, St. John’s Maddermarket, Norwich, Norfolk, EnglandChildren:
1. Cecily SHELTONDied: 28 Jan 1619
Notes: received a legacy in the will of her grandfather, Ralph Shelton in 1592 and from her grandmother Cecily in 1610 who left her a silver caster. Cecily died and was buried at the church in Intwood in the chancel, with this brass: "Here resteth the Body of Cecily Hirst, wife of William Hirst, Gent, Dr and Heir of Edward Shelton of Brome in the County of Norfolk, who died 28 Jan 1619".Father: Edward SHELTON
Mother: Anne LAYERMarried: William HIRST of Intwood
1. Anne HIRST
2. John HIRST
3. William HIRST
Died: 21 Dec 1539, England
Buried: Shelton Chancel, Shelton, Norfolk, EnglandNotes: See his Biography.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Margaret CLEREMarried: Anne BOLEYN ABT 1497
Children:2. Ralph SHELTON of Depeham (Sir)
Born: AFT 1505
Died: AFT 1561
Notes: She received gifts from Mary Tudor who for a time lived in the Shelton household. The dates of the gifts are: Jan 1536-7, Jan 1540, Jan 1543-4. NRS from Madden's Privy Purse expenditures of the Princess Mary. She has a legacy from her mother's will of 19 Dec 1555 which was proved 8 Jan 1556 but she did without issue and there is no mention of a marriage. (Blomefield v5 "Shelton" Calendar of Patent Rolls Eliz ii p 327). Sir James Boleyn, her uncle and Queen Elizabeth's great uncle, bequeathed her 40 pounds (Patent Rolls Eliz ii p 327). She apparently had fallen on hard times, for Sir James, in his will, asked the Queen "to give unto his neice Elizabeth Shelton, having at his daie nothing certain wherewith to comforte or releve her self, the fower hundred pounds woing to me by Her Grace, she to extend her mercie and goodness unto that poor gentlewoman, now utterly destitute". The Queen must have heeded his request, for Elizabeth Shelton received a gift from Queen Elizabeth for monetary annuities 23 Dec 1561.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir Knight)
Mother: Anne BOLEYNBorn: AFT 1505, Shelton, Norfolk, England
Died: 17 Sep 1563
Notes: buried by her second husband, though in the burial records named Dame Anna Knevet, 13 Dec 1563. Her will is also under the name of Dame Anne Knyvet (that title being superior to that of her second husband) and she mentions her brother Thomas Shelton, sister Amye, sons Edmund, Henry, Anthony Knyvett, god daughter Anne Coote, Richard Coote, god daughter Anne Woodward and others.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir Knight)
Mother: Anne BOLEYNMarried 1: Edmund KNYVETT (Sir Knight) ABT 1527, Buckenham Castle, Norfolk, England
1. Thomas KNYVETT of Buckenham (Sir)
2. Edmund KNYVETT
3. Henry KNYVETT
4. Anthony KNYVETT
Married 2: Christopher COOTE of Blonorton (Esq.) (son of Richard Coote) (w. of Elizabeth Witchingham)
5. Richard COOTE
Born: AFT 1505
Buried: 15 Oct 1558, Shelton, Norfolk, England
Notes: Nun at Barking Abbey. Has a legacy from her mother's will of 19 Dec 1955 which was proved 8 Jan 1556 but she did without issue and there is no mention of a marriage. She was left a legacy by her brother in law Sir Edmund Knevett who says in his will dated 18 Apr 1550, that Gabriell Shelton shall have during her life meat, drink and lodging or 6 pounds a year. (Blomefield v5 "Shelton" Calendar of Patent Rolls Eliz ii p 327)
Father: John SHELTON (Sir Knight)
Mother: Anne BOLEYNBorn: AFT 1505
Died: AFT 1556
Notes: has a legacy from her mother's will of 19 Dec 1955 which was proved 8 Jan 1556 but she died without issue and there is no mention of a marriage.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir Knight)
Mother: Anne BOLEYN
Born: 1512, Shelton, Norfolk, England Died: 8 Jan 1570/1Buried: Heveningham, Suffolk, England Notes: 1st cousin and one of the attendants of Queen Anne Boleyn. The mention of Mary Shelton and Margaret Skipwith as the two ladies in whom the King was interested in 1538 comes in a letter that says nothing about marriage. The comment could as easily refer to the king's choice of one of the two as his next mistress. Mary was friend of Lady Margaret Douglas and Lady Mary Howard, Duchess of Richmond. She contributed to and edited the “Devonshire Manuscript”, a collection of poems, some of them original, that was passed around among members of their circle. Two of the poems suggest that Sir Thomas Wyatt pursued Mary and was rejected by her. Mary may have been in attendance upon Queen Catherine Howard. After Catherine's arrest, Mary spent most of the next year at Kenninghall in Norfolk, Mary Howard's home. She was first betrothed to Thomas Clere who was a great favorite of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. After Clere’s untimely death, the Earl continued to look after Mary. Married her 1st cousin, Sir Anthony Heveningham, who was knighted 22 Feb 1546 and made a Banneret by King Henry VIII, and in 1557, held the manor of Westbarrow-Hall, of the honour of Ralegh, and Totham Parva, and Goldhanger in Essex. 15 Feb 1554, both Anthony and Mary presented to the church at Little Breccles. Anthony’s will was dated 18 Nov 1557 and proved 1 Jun 1558 and he died 22 Nov 1557. In his will he left legacies to his wife Mary who was his sole executrix, sons Henry, Arthur and John, daughters Mary, Anne, Jane, Abigail, Bridget, and Elizabeth. Mary re married Phillip Appleyard, a younger son of Roger Appleyard and Elizabeth, daughter of John Scott of Surrey. Phillip Appleyard was probably the same man who witnessed her first husband’s will.Father: John SHELTON (Sir Knight) Mother: Anne BOLEYNMarried 1: Thomas CLERE (d. 14 Apr 1545) |
Mary Shelton by
Hans Holbein |
Married 2: Anthony HEVENINGHAM of Ketteringham (Sir Knight) (b. 1507 - d. 22 Nov 1557) (son of Sir John Heveningham and Alice Shelton) (w. of Catherine Calthorpe) 1535 / AFT 7 Feb 1545, Heveningham, Suffolk, England
1. Arthur HEVENINGHAM (Sir) (d. 8 Oct 1630) (m. Mary Henschel)
5. Elizabeth HEUENINGHAM
Married 3: Phillip APPLEYARD (b. ABT 1528) AFT 1557
Died: BEF 11 Sep 1583
Kathryn M Brown, p 26, says she was called "Pretty Madge" and
"Cousin Madge".
She was an attendant at Court of Queen Anne Boleyn and was commanded
by her to
distract the attentions of Henry when he was making love to
Jane Seymour.
Madge is said to
have been Henry VIII’s mistress for about six months. At the time of
Anne’s arrest, Madge was engaged to Henry
Norris, a widower, and being
courted by Francis Weston, who was already married. Both men were arrested and
executed in connection with Anne’s alleged adultery. 19 May 1536, Some accounts say
Madge attended Queen Anne Boleyn
the scaffold. After Anne Boleyn’s death,
Margaret married Thomas Wodehouse. Thomas was standard bearer in the Battle of Musselborough 10
1547 and was killed in the battle. He was knighted posthumously and his wife was given the title Lady
Wodehouse. Thomas was buried at
Kimberley with this inscription:
Father: John SHELTON (Sir Knight)
Mother: Anne BOLEYNMarried: Thomas WOODEHOUSE of Kimberley (d. 10 Sep 1547, Battle of Musselbrough, Midlothian, Scotland) (son of Sir Roger Wodehouse of Kimberley and Elizabeth Ratcliffe)
1. Roger WODEHOUSE (Sir)
2. Henry WODEHOUSE (b. 3 Jan 1546)
3. Richard WODEHOUSE (d. 4 Apr 1588) (m. Mary Frances Corbett)
4. John WODEHOUSE (b.c.1543)
6. Elizabeth WODEHOUSE
Born: AFT 1505
Died: Nov 1579
Notes: Listed as a daughter of Sir John Shelton and Anne Boleyn by the NRS. She received gifts from Mary Tudor who for a time lived in the Shelton household. The dates of the gifts are: Jul 1538, Jan 1543-4. She apparently was one Queen Elizabeth's gentlewoman for the Patent Rolls have an entry 24 Jan 1565 where the Queen grants an annuity of 30 pounds for her service and in the writ she is specified as one of the Queen's gentlewoman. Her will was date 20 Apr 1566 and proved 6 Nov 1579. In it she leaves her goods to her brother Thomas who was her executor.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir Knight)
Mother: Anne BOLEYNRalph SHELTON of Depeham (Sir)
Born: AFT 1509
Died: 26 Sep 1561
Buried: Depeham, Norfolk, England
Notes: second son. Kathryn M Brown, p 26, says he was granted all land and appurtenances of John Amerye and of the Monastery of Bordsley in Worcestershire. Ralph and his uncle William, receiver for the King, had large grants in Worcestershire and Warwickshire in 1539 to 1547. Received legacies in his mother’s will in 1556. 15 Sep 1561, Queen Elizabeth I awarded a lengthy grant to Sir Ralph Shelton of Deopham , co Norfolk for his service. 11 Jul 1564, Ralph was given commission of sewers for the county of Norfolk along with Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk; John Parkhurst, Bishop of Norwich; Sir Thomas Wodehouse and Sir Edward Warners.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir Knight)
Mother: Anne BOLEYNMarried: Amy WODEHOUSE (dau. of Sir Roger Wodehouse and Elizabeth Ratcliffe)
Children:1. Ralph SHELTON
3. William
Born: 1531
Buried: 28 May 1571, Morley St. Peter
Notes: 1 Aug 1564
Martin Sedley, a minor, received license to marry Anne Shelton of Deopham.
The baptisms of their children are found at Morley St Peter in Norwich
as are the tombs of Martin Sedley and Anne. Martin’s will was
dated 12 May 1608 and proven 5 Mar 1609 and he is buried at the same church
with this inscription: “Martine
Sedley, Esquier, descended from the Worshipful and antiente Famelye of the
Sedlyes of South Fleete in Kent and of Elizabeth, daughter and heyre of tho.
Mounteney of Mountnessing in Essex, Esq had to his first wife Anne, descended
of the antiente and worshipfull Famelye of the Sheltons of Shelton by whom he
had issue Edmonde who died without issue; Sir Ralphe, Knt, and Amy who married
to John Smythe, Esquier; and surviving the said Anne, he toke to his wife wife
Abigail descended of the Worshipfull and antiente familye of the Knyvettes of
Ashwell Thorp, and had issue by her-Martine, who married Bridget, the daughter
of Sir John Pettus of Norwich, Knt; Robert and Abigaile who died without
issue; Meriel who married to Brampton Gordon of Assington in Suffolk, Esquier
and at his age of 78 in the year of grace 1609, happelye exchanged this
Transitory for an Eternal Lyfe. In
memorie of whom the said Abigail his sorrowfull wiffe as Testimony of her Love
and Pyetye, hath erected this
Father: Ralph SHELTON of Depeham (Sir)
Mother: Amy WODEHOUSEMarried: Martin SEDLEY (Sir Knight) (b. 1531 - d. BEF 10 Feb 1609/10) (son of Martin Sedley and Elizabeth, dau. of John Mounteney Gen.) (m.2 Abigail Knyvett)
Children:1. Edmund SEDLEY
2. Ralph SEDLEY (Sir Knight)
Notes: mentioned in the will of his mother in 1556, in 1563 in the will of his sister Anne Knyvett and in that of his sister Amy 1566 of whose will he was named executor. He was apparently still living when he proved her will 6 Nov 1579. The Norfolk sources do not have a wife or any information on the death of this Thomas. Thomas Shelton had a cousin Eramus Heveningham, who settled in Staffordshire, apparently Thomas Shelton may have migrated with him.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir Knight)
Mother: Anne BOLEYNMarried: Anne APPLEYARD
Children:3. John SHELTON
4. Frances SHELTON
5. William SHELTON
Father: Thomas SHELTON
Mother: Anne APPLEYARD
Married: Richard COOTE
Notes: possibly the son of Thomas Shelton, lived in Birmingham, co Warwicks, England. His wife was a sister of William Symonds, sergeant-at-law and a Judge of South Wales.
Father: Thomas SHELTON
Mother: Anne APPLEYARD
Married: Eleanor SIMONDS
Died: 1626
Notes: a mercer of Birmingham and was appointed by Edward VI as one of the trustees of the grammar School. He bought the advowson of Sutton Rectory in 1586.
Father: Henry SHELTON
Mother: Eleanor SIMONDS
Married: Barbara STANLEY
Notes: mentioned in the will of her brother Robert in 1642 and of her brother Richard, also in 1642 as Frances Lowe. The name of her husband has not been determined.
Father: John SHELTON
Mother: Barbara STANLEY
Married: Son LOWE
Died: BEF 1642
Notes: mentioned in the will of her brother Richard dated 26 1642 where he asked his executors to pay the legacies bequeathed by the will of his sister Anne Shelton. This indicates she reached adulthood though seems to have been unmarried.
Father: John SHELTON
Mother: Barbara STANLEY
Notes: mentioned in the will of her brother Robert and of her brother Richard, both dated in 1642 as their sister Alice Lowe of West Bromwich. The name of her husband has not been determined.
Father: John SHELTON
Mother: Barbara STANLEY
Married: Son LOWE
Buried: 7 Dec 1647, West Bromwich
Notes: second son. Often called Sir Richard Shelton of Rowley Regis, from the manor of that name in Warwickshire. Richard studied law at the Inner Temple and was employed by the Duke of Buckingham to handle his private affairs. He was appointed by King Charles I as Solicitor General Oct 1625 and was knighted by the King at Hampton Court 31 Oct 1625. Sir Richard was elected to Parliament for Bridgnorth 17 Jan 17 Jan 1625/6 and for Guildford 3 Feb, but in the commons his lack of debating skills and general incompetence made him easy prey for the opposition. 6 Mar 1627/8 he was re-elected to Parliament for Bridgnorth and in 1628 was appointed treasurer of the Inner Temple. In Oct 1634 being according to Clarendon “an old, illiterate, useless person”, he was forced to resign as Solicitor General and was succeeded by Sir Edward Littleton. Richard retired to his manor at West Bromwich which he had acquired from his cousin William Stanley in 1626 and lived there peacefully during the Civil War. Richard was mentioned in the will of his brother Robert 23 May 1642. 23 Jul 1642 Lettice died and was buried at West Bromwich. Sir Richard Shelton of West Bromwich, co Staffs, made his will 26 Jul 1642 where he asked to be buried in the church in West Bromwich near his recently deceased wife. He mentions William Boothe of Middle Temple, Humphrey Lowe of Oaksmoore co Salop (possibly married to his sister Alice), Thomas Pearson of Clement’s Inn, niece Folliot and her husband and children, nephews Richard and Henry Lowe, unmarried daughter of his brother “Roger” (Robert) Shelton, sister Shelton. He named as his right heir Alice Lowe who received lordship of West Bromwich. Executors were Humphrey Lowe and Thomas Boothe, who proved his will 10 May 1648. Richard and Lettice had no children that survived them.
Father: John SHELTON
Mother: Barbara STANLEY
Married: Lettice FISHER (dau. of Sir Robert Fisher of Packington)
Notes: recovered the advowson of Sutton in 1626. Robert made his will 23 May 1642 and it was proven 7 Jul 1642. He mentions his wife Mary, eldest son John, and left money for the marriages of his daughters Sarah, Phebe, Lettice, and Grace. He left his tenements in Sutton Coldfield to his son Thomas and directed his son John to receive the rents until Thomas came of age, the funds to be used for Thomas’s schooling. He also mentions his lands in Birmingham and in Greete in Worcestershire. Mentions his brother Sir Richard Shelton, son Thomas Willoughby and Elizabeth his wife, his sisters Frances Lowe and Alice Lowe. He named as his executor “my cousin Francis Robert’s son John”.
Father: John SHELTON
Mother: Barbara STANLEY
Married: Mary TEMPLE (dau. of Edmund Temple of Temple Hall)
1. John SHELTON (Sheriff of Staffordshire) (m.1 Mary
Knightley - m.2 Elizabeth Holland)
2. Thomas SHELTON
3. Lettice SHELTON
4. Grace SHELTON
5. Phebe SHELTON
6. Sarah SHELTON
Born: ABT 1509, Shelton, Norfork, England
Died: 15 Nov 1558, Shelton, Norfolk, England
Buried: Shelton, Norfolk, England
Notes: See his Biography.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir Knight)
Mother: Anne BOLEYNMarried: Margaret PARKER
Children:2. Anne SHELTON
Born: ABT 1535
Died: 12 Aug 1588
Notes: Eldest daughter. Will dated 8 Apr and proven 2 Oct 1588. Named in her father’s will 1558 as his “daughter Godsalve”. The Visitation also says that William married secondly to Elizabeth daughter of Richard Townshend of Rainham by Catherine daughter of Sir Humphrey Brown. In Anne’s father’s will there is a curious note “to daughter Godsalve ₤200, if she marry some gentleman by her own consent with the advice of her friends” which suggests that her husband died by this time so there would seem to be some conflict in the fact that he married again after her death in 1588. Another unresolved conflict is that Blomefield notes that 31 May 1561 Mr Ralph Shelton paid 5 pounds to be given in alms for William Godsalve, Esq who died very suddenly in Whitsun week. The Harleian Society has her married to a second husband named Grey.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Margaret PARKERMarried: Thomas GODSALVE of Bokenham Ferry (Esq.) (son of Sir John Godsalve and Elizabeth Widmerpole) 20 Feb 1556/7
Born: ABT 1540
Died: 4 Oct 1605
Notes: Second daughter. The Visitation says that she died
without issue but Burke’s Peerage said that she had a son Richard.
Burke’s also incorrectly says her name was Anne and the Visitation of
Essex (Harleian Society Publications, Vol 13-14 p 255) lists no children by her.
Richard Joscelyn married secondly to Anne, daughter of Thomas
Lucas of Bury St Edmund by Mary daughter of Sir Thomas Jermyn.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Margaret PARKERMarried: Richard JOSCELYN of Rooding (m.2 Anne Lucas)
Born: ABT 1550
Died: 16 Aug 1603
Buried: Holme Lacy, Hereford, England
Notes: Third daughter. Sir Henry Parker, her mother's brother, was Elizabeth's chamberlain in 1550–52. She was at court as a chamberer to Queen Elizabeth from 1 Jan 1571, and remained in the Queen’s service until her death. She was one of only six women who were appointed to the Privy chamber. When her close friend, Dorothy Stafford, was ill, it was Mary who was the Queen's sleeping companion. Mary Shelton weds Sir John Scudamore of Holme Lacy, Herefordshire, a gentleman usher, without the Queen’s consent. In the notorious ‘scandal letter’ of 1584 Mary Stuart, accused Elizabeth of breaking one of Mary Scudamore's fingers and trying to conceal the incident as an accident caused by a falling candlestick. However lurid her account, the Scottish queen's source was the victim's close friend Lady Mary Cavendish, wife Gilbert Talbot. In a letter from Eleanor Brydges to the Earl of Rutland it was written that Mary Scudamore suffered both ‘bloes and yevyll words … never woman bought hir husband more deare than she hath done’, speaking of an incident when the Queen reportedly broke Mary’s finger by hitting her with a hairbrush. But Elizabeth's hostility to privy chamber marriages has been greatly exaggerated and the marriage did neither Mary nor her husband, with whom she had two sons, any lasting harm. After that, Elizabeth not only sanctioned the marriage, but appointed the new Mrs. Scudamore as gentlewoman of the bedchamber. On 9 Oct 1576 she was hastily summoned back to court from a holiday with her husband when Dorothy Stafford broke her leg. The Earl of Sussex wrote to Mary Scudamore: ‘for I fear untill you come her majestie shall not in the night have for the most part so good rest as she wyll take after your comyng’. Mary had hundred of gowns under her charge, and kept careful inventory of them all. Mary continued as a chamberer and became quite influential at court as well as being a favorite with the Queen. Royal gifts included £400 in 1591 and £300 in 1594. Among her papers is one of the rare internal records of the privy chamber, the ‘book of the stuffe of the quenes majestie's wardrobe’, a daybook recording various items of Elizabeth's clothing and jewellery in the keeping of one of the privy chamber women. Since it runs from 1561 to 1585, Mary presumably inherited it from one of her predecessors. Mary Scudamore was still a chamberer in 1589, she was by then regarded in some quarters as a particularly effective intermediary with the queen. In 1599 Charles Cornwallis referred to her virtues having advanced her ‘to that honourable place you are in & therin have continued you to the great good of the house [the Howards] from whence you are descended’. However, her financial exploitation of her influence has been cited as evidence of the increasing rapacity of the privy chamber in the 1590s. In 1602 she was reported as seriously ill, and although she attended Elizabeth's funeral, like several other senior women of Elizabeth's privy chamber she did not survive the queen for very long. The exact date and place of her death are unknown, but she was buried at Holme Lacy on 15 Aug 1603.Father: John SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Margaret PARKERMarried: John SCUDAMORE of Holme Lacy (Sir) BEF Jan 1574
Born: 19 May 1558
Died: 25 Dec 1595, Tower of London, Middlesex, England
Notes: a Gentleman Porter at the Tower of London and Dec 1589 had a
discharge of two subsidies granted to him. He died at the Tower 25 Dec 1595 and
was buried 27 Dec. Thomas’s will was dated 25 May 1594 where he left his goods
to Thomas Catcher, woolen draper of London, in payment of a debt that he
owed him. Thomas asked that he would be buried “without any pompe”
and his will was proven 2 Aug 1596. He appears to have not married and left no
Father: John SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Margaret PARKERBorn: BEF 1530 / 1535
Died: 1580Notes: eldest son and heir. At his father’s death, he had livery of his inheritance including Shelton, Snoring, Carrow and others and 8 Jun 1559 he was given license to take possession. He was High Sheriff of Norfolk in 1570. During his term as High Sheriff, he developed a close relationship with John Parkhurst, Bishop of Norwich. The Bishop held Ralph in great esteem as seen in a series of letters published in the Norfolk Record Society and Ralph proved to be a great ally during the prosecution of George Thimelthorpe, one of the county officers accused of corruption. Sometime after 1558, Ralph sold the Suffolk manor of Mildren which had been in his family since 1480 to Robert Thorpe. 31 May 1561, he paid 5 pounds in alms for William Godsalve, Esq., who had died very suddenly. 8 May 1566, he was made commissioner of the sewers with several other Norfolk notables. In 1573, he presented William Mann as the rector of Hardwick church and in 1576 presented Reginald Nuthall as rector to the same church. He was knighted at Norwich by Queen Elizabeth 22 Aug 1578 along with Thomas Knevett, Edward Clere, Roger Woodehouse, Henry Wodehouse. 19 Jun 1573, Ralph was made a justice of the peace for Norfolk and appointed again 23 Jun 1574. 20 Mar 1574 Ralph was commissioned with Edward Flowerdew and Roger Wodehouse to inquire into the death of Edward Cusshin and 17 Sep of the same year, served in the same capacity upon the death of Stephen Burrell. Ralph married 13 Sep 1551 Mary, daughter of Sir William Wodehouse of Waxham. In the Shelton family church at the manor, there are ten panels on the left side of the altar, which record the marriage of Mary Wodehouse and Ralph Shelton, as well as the birth of their children Margaret, Thomas, John, Ralphe, and Edward. She was buried at Shelton 6 Jul 1558. He married secondly 16 Oct 1570 at Shelton to Anne, daughter of Thomas Barrow, Esq of Barningham co Suffolk by Mary daughter and coheir of Henry Bures at Acton co Suffolk. Sir Ralph died 3 Oct 1580 and was buried at Shelton on the north side of the altar 6 Oct 1580. His IPM was held 25 Apr 1582 and another 28 Apr 1584 where he was found to hold Carrow in Norwich which he had prior to his death settled on Thomas Barrow with remainder to Anne and his children by her, as well as being seized of Shelton, Snoring Magna, Barettes and Thirsford. His widow Anne, married after 9 Jun 1585 as her second husband Sir Charles Cornwallis and they jointly held Carrow Abbey. In 1589 she presented to the church of St Julian’s in Norwich. Sir Charles Cornwallis had a distinguished career including serving as Ambassador to Spain and treasurer and died at Harborne co Suffolk 21 Dec 1629.
Father: John SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Margaret PARKERMarried 1: Mary WODEHOUSE (dau. of Sir William Wodehouse of Waxham and Elizabeth Calthorpe) 15 Sep 1551, Shelton Manor
Children:6. Edward SHELTON (bur. 4 Jan 1563)
7. Etheldreda (Audrey) SHELTON
Married 2: Anne BARROW (b. 1530) (dau. of Thomas Barrow of Barningham, Esq., and Mary Bures) (m.2 Sir Charles Cornwallis) 16 Oct 1570
Children:8. Ralph SHELTON
9. Anne SHELTON (b. 25 Jul 1573 - bur. 15 Jul 1574)
10. Richard SHELTON (b. 1575)
11. William SHELTON
12. Henry SHELTON
13. Barbara SHELTON
14. Maurice SHELTON
15. Mary SHELTON
16. Margaret SHELTON
Born: ABT 1551
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Mary WODEHOUSE
Married 1: Thomas WALLERMarried 2: William WROOL
Married 3: Tobias WILKINSONBorn: 24 Dec 1556, England
Died: 29 May 1580
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Mary WODEHOUSE
Married: Anthony SOUTHWELL ABT 1576Children:
1. Robert SOUTHWELL of Kinsdale (Vice-Admiral)
Born: ABT 1561 / 10 Jun 1568
Buried: 24 Apr 1631, Chislehurst, Kent, England
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Mary WODEHOUSE
Married: Thomas WALSINGHAM of Scadbury (Sir Knight)
Christened: 30 Nov 1578, Shelton, Norfolk, England
Buried: Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Anne BARROW
Married: George Le HUNTE of Little Bradley (Sir) (d. 18 Jan 1640/1) (son and heir of John Hunte and Jane Colte) 27 Nov 1597
1. Son Le HUNTE
2. Son Le HUNTE
3. Dau. Le HUNTE
4. Dau. Le HUNTE
5. Dau. Le HUNTE
Christened: 26 Jan 1580/1
Died: 31 Jul 1615
Buried: Westhorpe
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Anne BARROW
Married: Edmund DAUNDY of Cretingham (son and heir of Thomas Daundy of Combes and Martha Poley) AFT 30 Jan 1609, St Margaret’s, Westminster
2. Dau. DAUNDY
Died: 14 Oct 1635, Barningham, Norfolk, England
Buried: 14 Oct 1635, Shelton, Norfolk, EnglandFather: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Anne BARROW
Married: Elizabeth JERMYN (dau. of Thomas Jermyn of Debden) 7 Apr 1619, Shelton, Norfolk, England
Died: 1595
Buried: Tower of London,,London,St Peters Church
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Mary WODEHOUSE
Married: Elizabeth FLOWERDEW (d. 1608) (dau. of Sir Edward Flowerdew) (m.2 Sir Henry Clere)
Died: BEF 1606
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Mary WODEHOUSE
Married 1: Joan MAULEVERER (dau. of Sir John Mauleverer and Elizabeth Markenfield)Married 2: Elizabeth CROMWELL 1597
Christened: 11 Feb 1574
Died: 12 Dec 1593
Notes: Some sources says he was named in his father’s IPM in 1582 but died at Shelton 12 Dec 1583.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Anne BARROW
Married: Martha EMORY (dau. of Thomas Emory)
Children:Father: William SHELTON
Mother: Martha EMORYMarried: Isabella SUHAN (b. 1596 - d. 1625) 1619
Children:1. John SHELTON (b. 1620) (m. Margaret Wyatt)
2. Stephen SHELTON (b. ABT 1622)
3. John SHELTON (b. ABT 1624)
4. George SHELTON (b. ABT 1626)
5. Thomas SHELTON (b. ABT 1628)
6. William SHELTON (b. ABT 1630)
7. Elizabeth SHELTON (b. ABT 1632)
Died: 22 Jul 1628, Battle of Isle of Rhe, Spain
Notes: knighted at Theobald's, Warwickshire, England in 1607. According to records in the British Museum, he was Minister to Spain, Secretary to the Prince of Wales and one of the entourage of the Earl of Carlisle on the trip to France in 1612 to arrange for the marriage of Charles I with the sister of the French King. It was this Sir Ralph who held the Norfolk and Sufolk estates in 1606 (succeeding his brother John) prior to the sale of Shelton. In an account of his marriage to Jane West he is given as Ralph Sheldon, Esquire of Beoley, Worcestershire. Sir Ralph was a member of the Second and Third London Companies. In all the Colonial records of the Second Charter granted to the London Companies, 23 May 1609, the names of Sir Ralph Shelton of Norfolk England, a Captain Shelton and a James Shelton, Gentleman, appear. The Second London Company sailed under Lord De La Warr with nine ships and 500 people. The admiral's ship named "Sea Venture". They landed in America in 1610. A charter was granted to the Third London Company in 1611. As a member of Parliment, Sir Ralph signed the petition circulated there by the Company in 1610. There is nothing to indicate that Sir Ralph ever came to America to live. If so, he returned to England; but his son James Shelton, Gentlman, came with Lord De La Warr in Jun 1610, remained and founded the Shelton family of America and Virginia.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Mary WODEHOUSE
Married 1: Jane WEST 1591, Norfolk, England
Children:2. Thomas SHELTON (b. 1601 - d. BEF Oct 1650)
Married 2: Dorothy JERMYN (dau. of Sir Robert Jermyn) ABT 1606Died: 20 May 1668, Barbados, Bermuda
Notes: the first generation of Sheltons in America arriving in Jun 1610 travelling with his relative, Lord De la Warr aboard the "Sea Venture", which was wrecked on Bermuda. He was a member of the first courts from 1619-1624 and was a resident of Jamestown, Virginia in 1620. He and his father were members of the "London Company" James had a land grant on the Potomac, 16 Oct 1650. Part of "Currioman" Westmoreland County, Virginia was one of the original land grants to James. This grant was probably taken up by his son Thomas Shelton, who died in Cecil County, Maryland in 1650. Moved to Bermuda about 1630 after trade was opened.
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir Knight)
Mother: Jane WESTMarried: Anne HEBERT (b. ABT 1588 - d. 1650)
Children:1. Robert SHELTON
2. Joan SHELTON (m. Son Hall)
3. James SHELTON (b. ABT 1600) (m. Eleanor West)
4. Stephen SHELTON (b. ABT 1602 - d. Jan 1654/5) (m. Anne West)
5. John SHELTON (b. ABT 1603 - d. 15 Aug 1691)
6. William SHELTON (b. ABT 1605 - d. 20 Nov 1639)
7. Thomas SHELTON (b. ABT 1606 - d. 1684) (m. Hannah Wood)
8. George SHELTON (b. 1607)
9. Richard SHELTON (b. ABT 1610 - d. 1701)
10. Ralph SHELTON (b. 1610)
Born: 1385, Shelton, Depwade, Norfolk, England
Notes: Kathryn M Brown, p 21, says he was with Henry V at Agincourt.
His sword at
Armathwaite Castle, Cumberland, is said to rival that of King
Edward III at
Westminister. Married 1422, the heiress to Branthwaite estates
Father: Ralph SHELTON (Sir)
Mother: Alice UVEDALE
Married 1: ¿? ABT 1409 Moneyash, Bakewell, Derby, England
Children:1. Hugh SHELTON
Married 2: ¿? ABT 1422
Born: ABT 1410, Moneyash, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England
Father: Richard SHELTON of MoneyashMother: ¿?
Married: Ruth ? ABT 1439, Moneyash, Bakewell, Derbyshire, EnglandChildren:
1. Richard SHELTONFather: Hugh SHELTON
Mother: Ruth ?Married: Elizabeth ? ABT 1469, Moneyash, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England
Children:1. John SHELTON
3. Richard SHELTON (b. ABT 1475)
Born: ABT 1475, Moneyash, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England
Father: Richard SHELTON
Mother: Elizabeth ?
Married: Edward CULPEPPER (b. 1471 - d. AFT 1519) (son of William Culpepper and Margaret Penwarden) ABT 1492, Preston Hall, Aylesford, Kent, England
Children:1. John CULPEPPER (b. ABT 1493) (m. Jane Whetenhall)
Born: ABT 1473, Moneyash, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England
Father: Richard SHELTON
Mother: Elizabeth ?
Married 1: Parnell BEREFORD (dau. of Dennis Bereford) ABT 1491
Children:1. Dennis SHELTON (b. ABT 1492)
Married 2: Alice ? ABT 1495
Children:2. Hugh SHELTON
3. Henry SHELTON
Died: AFT 1553
Father: Hugh SHELTONMother: Parnell BEREFORD / Alice UNKNOWN
Married: ¿?Children:
1. Hugh SHELTONDied: BET 1590 / 1597
Father: Hugh SHELTONMother: ¿?
Married: ¿?Children:
1. Hugh SHELTONDied: 7 Aug 1610, Moneyash, Bakewell, Derbyshre, England
Father: Hugh SHELTONMother: ¿?
Married: Joan ? (Wife)Children:
1. Richard SHELTON2. Dau. SHELTON
4. Hugh SHELTONDied: 17 Jul 1617
Father: Hugh SHELTONMother: Joan ?
Married: Catherine ? 1598
Father: Hugh SHELTON
Mother: Joan ?Married: Robert MADDOCK
Children:1. Agnes MADDOCK (b. ABT 1600) (m. Anthony Wilcockson)
Died: Spring of 1640
Notes: Will 18 Feb 1639/40, Proved 8 May 1640.Father: Hugh SHELTON
Mother: Joan ?Married: Margaret ? (w. of William Buxton) 1603
Children:1. Hugh SHELTON (b. ABT 1605) (m. Dorothy ?)
Died: 1623, Moneyash, Bakewell, Derbyshre, England
Father: Hugh SHELTONMother: Joan ?
Married: Agnes FERNE (dau. of Lawrence Ferne and Jane ?) 1 Mar 1620Father: Hugh SHELTON
Mother: Joan ?Married: Thomas BOAM
Died: 1616, Youlgreave, Derbyhire, England
Notes: Will dated 28 Dec 1616, Youlgreave, Derbyhire, England; Yeoman.Father: Hugh SHELTON
Mother: ¿?Married 1: ¿? ABT 1572
Children:1. Hugh SHELTON
Married 2: Elizabeth ? (d. Jan 1623/4) 1576
Children:2. John SHELTON
6. Francis SHELTON (b. ABT 1588)
Died: AFT 1624
Father: George SHELTONMother: Elizabeth ?
Married: ¿? AT 1618
Children:1. Hugh SHELTON (b. ABT 1620)
Died: 1635
Father: George SHELTONMother: Elizabeth ?
Married: Anne ? ABT 1601
Children:1. John SHELTON (b. ABT 1602)
2. Richard SHELTON (b. ABT 1605)Died: AFT 1624
Father: George SHELTONMother: Elizabeth ?
Married: ¿?Children:
1. Hugh SHELTON (b. 1608)
Died: BET 1617 / 1624
Father: George SHELTONMother: Elizabeth ?
Married: Elizabeth ?
Father: George SHELTON
Mother: Elizabeth ?Married: Francis CARRINGTON
Died: 1523, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England
Father: Richard SHELTON
Mother: Elizabeth ?
Married: ¿?
Children:1. John SHELTON
Died: AFT 1572
Father: John SHELTON
Mother: ¿?
Married: ¿? ABT 1519, Bakewell, Derby, England
1. Roger SHELTON (b. ABT 1520 - d. Mar 1589/90)4. Thomas SHELTON (b. ABT 1535 - d. 1591)
5. George SHELTON (b. ABT 1540 - d. 18 Dec 1620)
Died: 1600
Father: John SHELTON
Mother: ¿?
Married: Alice ? ABT 1557
Died: Mar 1590, Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England
Father: John SHELTON
Mother: ¿?
Married 1: Catherine LITTLETON (dau. of Thomas Littleton and Anne Botreaux) 1541
Married 2: Margaret BARKER 26 Aug 1545, Saint Oswald, Ashbourne, Derby, England
1. Roger SHELTON2. Richard
SHELTON (b. ABT 1551 - d. 7 Mar 1621/2)
Born: ABT 1550, Moneyash, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England
Christened: 11 Aug 1550, Stanton, Ellastone, Stafford, England
Buried: 30 Sep 1623, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England
Father: Richard SHELTON
Mother: Margaret BARKER
Married: Helen WOODCOCK 1572, Ashford, Bakewell, Derby, England
1. Arthur SHELTON2. Anne SHELTON (b. ABT 1577 - bur. 4 Jan 1619/20)
3. George SHELTON (b. ABT 1579 - bur. 26 Mar 1622)
4. Thomas SHELTON5. Hugh SHELTON
6. Ralph SHELTON
(Archbishop of Canterbury)
Gilbert SHELTON (Archbishop of Canterbury)
Christened: 22 Jun 1598 Died: 9 Nov 1677 Notes: born at Stanton in the parish of Ellastone, Staffordshire, and educated at Trinity College, Oxford. He was ordained in 1622 and was appointed chaplain to Thomas Coventry, 1º Baron Coventry. Four years later he was elected warden of All Souls College, Oxford. During the years 1632-1639 he received the livings of Hackney (1633); Oddington, Oxfordshire; Ickford, Buckinghamshire (1636); and Newington, Oxfordshire; besides being a prebendary of Gloucester from 1632. In 1638 he was on a commission appointed to visit Merton College, Oxford. He was intimate with the Royalist leaders, participated in the negotiations for the Uxbridge treaty of 1644, and collected funds for Charles II in exile. In 1648 he was ejected from All Souls by order of parliament, and imprisoned for some months, but he regained the wardenship in 1659. In 1660 he became bishop of London and master of the Savoy, and the Savoy Conference was held at his lodgings. He was consecrated archbishop of Canterbury in 1663. He was greatly interested in the welfare of Oxford University, of which he became chancellor in 1667, succeeding Edward Hyde, 1º Earl of Clarendon (b. 1609 - d. 1674). The Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford was built and endowed at his expense. |
Father: Roger SHELTON
Mother: Helen WOODCOCK
Died: 1651
Notes: The earliest record found of him is in 1591-92, when, as a youth, he is mentioned as heir in remainder to his father Roger Sheldon, in the lawsuit between his grandfather, Richard, and his half-brother, Henry Sheldon. Arthur also succeeded to the little cottage and 4 acres in Ashford called Lowefield which was in the family as early as 1494. "The will of Arthur Sheldon of Ashford, co. Derby, yeoman, weak in body, dated 10 June 1651. To be buried in the chapel of Ashford, near William Lowe his seat there. To my son Ralph Sheldon 2s. 6d., and to his wife Barbara 2s. 6. To my grandchild Isaak Sheldon [pds]8. To [grandson] Samuell Sheldon [pds.]4. My grandson Solomon Sheldon is to be kept one and one-half years with meat and drink after my decease, at the cost of my executor. To my grandsons William, Thomas, and John Wright 5s. each. To [daughter] Anne White, wife of Ralph White of Sheldon, [pds]20. All residue of my goods to [daughter] Elizabeth Lowe, wife of William Lowe of Ashford, and she is to be sole executrix. Supervisor: Ralph White of Sheldon. [Signed] The mark of Arthur Sheldon. Witnesses: John Wright and John Ragge. Proved at Westminster 20 May 1653 by the executrix, Elizabeth, the wife of William Lowe."
Father: Roger SHELTON
Mother: Helen WOODCOCK
Married: Barbara ?
1. Geoffrey SHELTON (b. 1599 - 30 Apr 1671) (m. Alice Frost)2. Jane SHELTON (m. William Wright)
3. Mary SHELTON (b. ABT 1602 - d. 13 Jan 1617/8)
4. Ralph SHELTON (b. ABT 1605 - d. 1651) (m. Barbara Stone)
5. Arthur SHELTON (b. ABT 1607 - d. 17 Apr 1618)
6. John SHELTON (b. ABT 1610 - d. 20 Apr 1618)
7. Anne SHELTON (m. Ralph White)
8. Elizabeth SHELTON (m. William Lowe)